It’s the first Monday of the New Year, and if you didn’t start your new exercise goals on the 1st I bet today was “go day.”
The problem is most people will yet to even start today because we set unrealistic or attainable goals right from the start. Often times we focus so much on what we can’t do that we never actually make a plan to start with what we can do and build from there. No matter how much or how little you can do there is always an option. By picking goals that start where we are at we are more likely to stick with it because we feel accomplished right from day one. Even one more step a day is 365 steps farther at the end of the year..
This goes along with set backs. Instead of focusing on the negatives or limitations work with what you got.
Today is post op- week 2. I am still under a strict weight restriction and should be limiting a lot of bending, twisting etc but am allowed to walk. My surgeon is also my boss and knows me very well so he spelled out exactly what I am allowed to and not do as he knows I love to push the envelope haha even though I know better.
So today Arlo and I went out for a walk (he rode his bike). Kept it on level, flat ground and worked at a comfortable pace. The only goal was to not over do it, and focus on getting some fresh air and consistent movement.
Pick your goal today, something that is not super easy but is doable. Start there and then keep moving forward at a pace that you can maintain……. Because even when we hit the “goal”, you don’t stop. We still have to at least maintain our efforts to stay there, so don’t be in a rush to finish. Be in a rush to stay consistent.
