Today is such a major day in our household that I wanted to share it with all of you too. Our daughter, Hazel is celebrating her 5 year post-transplant anniversary today! 5 years ago (5/16/17) her and I were wheeled into connecting operating rooms in hopes for her to receive part of my liver so we could provide her the opportunity to actually get to live! And she is doing just that!
There have been bumps in the road, and there always will be but they hopefully have gotten (and will stay smaller bumps).
No matter what we go through in life, there are bumps, there are good days and days we struggle. But if you just keep getting back up and take a step forward, no matter how big or small then you are still moving forward. On those days you find yourself struggling, think of my daughter she literally takes on every day, no matter when might stand in her way and just pushes through. She literally sucks the life out of every day and has a fire in her that is a force to be reckoned with.
Remember we get to choose how we look at every hurdle in our life. We can stay mad at it and stay stuck or we can push-through and use it to make us stronger.
O and today we are absolutely celebrating with cake! Chocolate to be exact because Hazel lives for anything chocolate!