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Learning to be comfortable in the kitchen

My SIL and I had were having a conversation this weekend about meal planning and food (we always talk about food FYI). And I thought it would be good to share.

Essentially what we chatted about is how people overthink meals and get confused over what to make and how to cook. Now I will be honest and self reflect that I have spent the past 20 years learning about food and exercise and have been cooking with my parents since I was a child so it does come easier to me BUT only because I have put the time in to learn already. I’m just in a different part of the learning process.

Here is the best thing about cooking though, if you are using things you like you will most often never go wrong. Also, cooking is absolutely a skill where the more you do it the easier it gets and the better you get at it. We had to walk before we ran right? Did we stop trying because we fell? Nope, we got back up and tried again. Same thing with cooking, I have totally screwed up meals, caught things on fire (even lost an eyebrow to the grill) etc but I just keep trying and learn from what didn’t work.

This is also why some of my recipes are not really recipes but ideas, because I want you to look at and get the gist of what you need to do but make it so it fits your tastes and needs. I like doing this for the same reason I will never write anyone a meal plan, because you don’t learn and grow from that.

Food is supposed to be fun. Experiment and find what you like and what works for you. And remember it doesn’t have to be elaborate or hard. If you get the hang of a few things all you need to do is change out some ingredients and you can make a variety of meals with essentially the same “recipe”. For example, look at all the orzo recipes I shared over the winter. They are essentially the same recipe and technique but have different ingredients so they look very different.

I hope this helps to nudge you to keep trying new things. I promise that the more you cook the better you will get at it!

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