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Live in the moment

As the weather starts to warm up I feel like the conversation of being comfortable with ourselves in the present state is one I have often… like often enough that if I had a buck every time I had it, I could retire.

We often set goals such as “I’ll wear shorts this summer if my legs don’t look as heavy”, or “I’ll wear a swimsuit if I lose 10 more lbs”. Here’s the honest answer, if we constantly wait for the “perfect time” (which by the way, there is no perfect time) we miss out on all life has to offer RIGHT NOW. Now this is not to say give up or stop working on your goals but instead enjoy where you are right now while working to get where you want to. Because here’s the honest truth, even if we lose those 10 pounds or feel like our legs look ok enough for shorts there will still be another reason or target that will try and hold us back.

And remember, we tend to see things about ourselves that most people don’t even notice. What they see is someone who is enjoying their life. My kids think its a riot to see me yell “cannonball” and jump in the pool. They want me to swim with them, ride bikes with them etc. They don’t care what I look like in bathing suit, all they care about is us having fun with them. Sometimes maybe they are the ones who teach us the most. And at the end of the day I want to lead by example. I don’t ever want my daughter to be afraid to wear a suit or die in pants because she won’t wear shorts.

Now, big disclaimer: I will at times struggle with this too, I think most people do because we are human, but if you work on it you get to enjoy your life. We only get one shot at it so make it good! I share this picture because last summer my daughter wanted to have matching bathing suits, and nothing made her happier than us matching!

So wear the shorts.. put the suit on, swim with the kids…. ENJOY YOUR LIFE TODAY!

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