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Make it Easy- Buy the veggie and/or fruit tray!

Let’s be honest….. everyone is busy. It feels like no matter the season there is never a shortage of things to do. This time of year I always find exceptionally busy and the warmer weather means we are almost never inside. So while I love to cook I try to keep it as quick and easy as possible. Here is where my tip helps do just that. And this is not some earth shattering new idea but more of a reminder.

Buy the pre-made veggie and/or fruit trays!

This time of year I typically buy a small veggie tray each weekend. Why? Because it is a quick side dish or snack for the weekend. My kids will eat it too so it’s a win-win. Now is it cheaper to buy the veggies and cut them myself? Of course, but here is the really good tip: if you make the healthier option the easier option you will grab for it. I know that if all I have to do is open the top and set it out to eat we are absolutely going to eat it. If I have to chop it all first, it may or may not happen.

This same tip is also why I always bring one of these on all of our camping trips. You’d be amazed how many times adults and kids will actually reach for the veggies and dip or fruit if it is easily available to grab and go….

So make it easy on yourself… let someone else do the prep work! And you’ll have an easier time getting in those fruits and veggies!

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