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Pork meatball and veggie ramen soup

It has been pretty cold and snowy few weeks here is NEPA. Soup is a such a quick and easy meal for these chilly days!

Growing up and even now you will tend to find soup on the stove in my parents house quite frequently and now my 4 year old niece is currently a huge soup lover, she enjoys soup more than anyone I’ve yet met.

But I have always just followed the “throw whatever the hell you want in a big pot and soup is done”. My sister-in-law and I had a recent conversation that apparently most people don’t think like that and want actual measurements, so I plan to keep the soup recipes coming until it warms up.

This was a quick and easy meal. Do not let homemade meatballs scare you, they legit are super quick and easy. And ramen? No they are not what you remember from snow days as a kid. They are just the style noodle used.

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