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Quick Meals: This Week’s Tip

As promised last week I would try and post more super quick and easy meal ideas, not necessarily recipes.

Today’s meal comes mainly with a tip. This time of year one of the biggest comments I hear is that people have lots of parties, gatherings, trips etc and it makes it hard to stay on the path they have set for themselves. As my kids are getting older (and Hazel is healthy… knock on wood) each summer for us also gets busier and this year is definitely the busiest yet.

So my tip for today is don’t overlook the easiest options around, fruit salads/trays and veggies trays. We’ve discussed in the past I love veggies and dip for quick side dishes. But today the focus today is that when making/buying these for parties leave some at your house or buy one solely for quick meal additions.

Yesterday’s lunch was a perfect example of this. I had leftover steak from the night before, veggies and dip I prepped for the weekend and fruit salad my sister prepped for the shower we threw for my soon to be SIL. Not only was this really filling and tasted good but also used up things that would have probably just gone to die in the refrigerator.

Remember, keep it simple.

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