Last week we talked about not needing to make our plans pretty but just to do something. I wanted to share this picture and quick thought because it fits exactly that mindset. I also share this because I think on social media we constantly see people’s “highlight reels”, we see a quick snapshot of perfection but nothing else. It often leads us to feel frustrated or upset because we can’t figure out why we can’t be like that. So you see me share our meals, and yes I do cook like that majority of the time but just like everyone else sometimes things aren’t always “perfect”.
So this picture….. last night was my daughter’s pre-k graduation, a big day for her. So we went to that and then took her to dinner to celebrate. This led us to get home way later than normal and when we did get home it was bath and bed time. So I didn’t get my veggies/ham ready for my egg scramble this am, and honestly I did not have anymore steam to make a salad or much of a lunch for today. So breakfast AND lunch were not planned.
Now here is where you have a choice, do you just go and get takeout or fast food for both meals (not judging- it’s your choice) or do you just wing it and make a couple meals with what you have. I chose #2, for a couple reasons. 1. Last week we had to make a Delaware trip so we did eat out much more than normal and my stomach felt not great for a few days after so I really didn’t want to repeat that. 2. I do have food in the house and with food costs I didn’t want to waste it AND spend money to go get anything.
So here is what I came up with:
breakfast:protein shake and some grapes
lunch: leftover pasta salad I had with protein pasta, (I added a handful of cherry tomatoes and a will chop that whole cucumber too), 2 packets of tuna
usual afternoon snack: greek yogurt.
So not pretty, not planned and no recipe but food that will work for today.